Part 31: Goon Playthrough - Part 31

I can't deny that. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy that you found out anyway.

I'm sorry I doubted you. You've always been a good and honest man.

It's fine. All of my actions were fairly suspicious, after all. And you really are a brave woman to go into the forest alone at night.

I don't know if brave is the word for it. Impulsive, maybe.

Or determined. I certainly wouldn't want to be on your bad side.

Haha, then don't keep any more secrets from me!

I saw him come by the house again yesterday morning. Was that another pickup for Carmosa?

I'm afraid I don't know. I haven't seen him since we parted ways two nights ago.

Carmosa left the house quite suddenly after he came by. Do you think it could be related?

It's hard to say. You could try asking him. He spends a lot of time at the inn. And he drops by around here occasionally.

Don't mention it. I just wish I could help more.

Well, I need to get going now. Gloria will have a fit if I don't return early. She's taking her role as house guardian VERY seriously.

I can imagine. Your sister has always been serious about everything.

Gloria is NOT my sister. She's Carmosa's daughter!

I apologize. I didn't mean to offend you.

Anyway, I really need to get going now.

Understood. I have some business I must attend to as well. But you're always a welcome guest here. If you ever need anything, you know where to find me.

Thank you. Take care, Tobias.

Take care, Cinders. It was nice to see you again.

And I certainly learned a lot from this trip! I never would have guessed that Carmosa is struggling with finances. I might be able to use this knowledge. I definitely need to find that shady vagabond and learn more from him as well.
I have to give Tobias one thing... Every time I visit him, it seems he has some kind words and insight. He's such a good friend to me.
Hmm, it's getting late, but I think I have time to visit one more place. The inn seems like the best idea...

I hear that this inn attracts some of the less honest people in town, but at least it's exciting. People here actually know how to have fun! It's nothing like that stiff and proper place that I'm forced to call home. Carmosa and her daughters are all too proud to do anything fun. Oh, is that the Captain of the Guard sitting alone in the corner? I wonder if he'd let me sit with him. Or if I should approach him in the first place... I'm already spending time at the tavern instead of going back home. I might as well just take the plunge.


Do you mind if I sit here?

There are plenty of free tables in here, but it seems you already made up your mind.

Thank you! I just wanted to chat with you, if that's okay. Are you really the Captain of the Prince's guard?

I am. The King appointed me to this position himself. Ever since his death two years ago, I've served the Prince.

And how is the Prince doing? What's it like to serve under him? Do you like it?

Oh, I see... um... Oh, I saw you rescue that kidnapped child that other morning! That was really impressive.

It was simply my duty.